Maintainer: Ray Vernagus I will happily accept corrections and feedback!

Self-testing has been shown to be one of the most effective studying techniques. This page will continually evolve as I work through the material so check back often!

As a participant in Phase 1 of the Azure Machine Learning Program, I have compiled the following self-test questions in order to better learn the material. To use this learning tool, follow these steps:

  1. Select a question from the list below.
  2. Read the question and formulate an answer—try to be as specific as possible.
  3. Click on the question itself or the "Open" button while hovering your cursor over the question to view the answer.
  4. Come back in a few days and re-test yourself. Enjoy! 😄

NOTE: You can filter for questions by which Lesson they were covered in. I will likely add more filters as I find similarities in the material.

Self-Test Questions

Visual Challenge